Babakan, Bogor, West Java
Site Area:
5,500 m2
Landscape Design
Malabar Park, located in Babakan, Bogor, is an urban park set amidst a landscape characterized by low-rise landed houses reminiscent of the early post-colonial era and medium-rise buildings. Serving as a neighborhood park, its role in providing crucial environmental services to the city, acting as both a carbon sequestration area and an absorption pond, is significant. In the park's redesign, the primary focus is on preserving its green spaces and minimizing alterations to the existing land cover. The park is thoughtfully designed as a rain garden, allowing for efficient rainwater retention and soil recharge. Considering Bogor's vital function as a water recharge area within the Jabodetabekpunjur system, this design is critical.
In addition to its environmental role, Malabar Park serves as a hub for social interaction among surrounding residents, offering diverse activities such as community gardening, a playground, and exercise spaces. The park features a fruit and vegetable garden and a traditional herb garden, enhancing its appeal and contributing to the community's well-being. To increase Bogor's identity, the park adopts a landmark in the shape of Bogor's flower symbol, the rafflesia.