Jakarta, Indonesia
PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung
Site Area:
500 ha
Conceptual master plan
JIEP, one of East Jakarta's strategic areas, is poised for adaptation to meet current needs. Given the evolving landscape where traditional industrial activities are no longer allowed, a comprehensive masterplan becomes essential to realign the region's priorities following the changing demands of Jakartans. This adjustment is prompted by modifications in zoning and spatial planning regulations within Jakarta, emphasizing a transition towards high-tech, non-polluting, and environmentally friendly industries located within the city.
The envisioned transformation goes beyond simple land use adjustments, encompassing enhanced integration with the surrounding environment and increased accessibility. This holistic approach involves a focus on pedestrian and bicycle pathways, the integration of public transport options, and the optimization of logistic accesses. A central element of this plan is creating a network of green spaces intricately connected to a central park featuring a retention pond, establishing a comprehensive blue and green network for the area.
Furthermore, the master plan envisions a dynamic mixed-use development, introducing new functionalities such as residential and commercial areas. Essential facilities and infrastructure augment this transformation to create a one-stop living environment. The integration of various elements not only addresses the changing industrial landscape but also positions JIEP as a dynamic, sustainable, and inclusive hub catering to the diverse needs of its inhabitants.